Simple Studio Flower Garden
As a photographer, there are times when you wish to photograph "something" but do not have a fully thought idea to pursue. My answer to that has always been to go to my deck at the rear of my home where I have built a small nature garden for flowers and to feed neighborhood birds. (See the hanging suet feeder in the background?)
This blog will show you a simple way to make a trellis and watch the Cardinal plants grow to the top before yielding a prolific array of red bloomery!
You need a 1x6 piece of wood. (I used Redwood) for the trellis. You may either have someone make several cuts with a table saw or Skil saw leaving about 18 inches not cut at all. That will allow you to spread the cut parts at the top, making them stretch further apart. as you get near to the top into a fan look. Then nail, staple or tie the cross pieces in place for the plant to attach to as it grows to the top.
This is a Cardinal plant that grows in a vine configuration and it provides a small red bloom.
These will grow and display a prolific Red bloom display for most of the summer! It looks complicated but the satisfaction of creating a way to help nature grow really yields a lot of satisfaction! I have done this for years as needed and enjoy it for the woodworking and the planting and finally for the photography!