Fall Color is Coming!
Each year as the fall color season nears I struggle to decide where to go to satisfy my photography urges! I was raised by a military family who moved often and I have indeed visited much of the country. I travelled to Japan where we adopted my sister Mary. So travel is something I do enjoy. But the indecisiveness bug really has a bad grip on me this year. My long time travel buddy Wayne is in failing health and Russ has plans with his wife who recently retired! Totally happy for them but now I have to figure out how to go it alone!
I have a nice business that allows me to travel and photograph our wonderful country that is so full of photo opportunity and that is likely the dilemma! Which of our wonderful sights should I enjoy next! High school years in El Paso instilled a love for the West and many years of living in Birmingham, Al and Athens, TN and now retired to Atlanta, GA have shown me that it is all good! But making this decision on my own is really something I have never done.
My friends always had plenty to say about places to go and I in hindsight now realize I went along with them knowing wherever we went would be great! Our Wild West Tour in 2009 was all over the western USA , the next year we went to Maine looking for Moose, in 2011 I visited my nephew Billy in Olympia, WA and in subsequent years have returned to Jackson Hole WY
which I suppose was my favorite. Each year I always include a short trip to Tennessee to visit my old farm and go into the Smokies where the fall color comes in much later than out west.
Well stay tuned as I figure out a trip! Maybe my old Buddy Jeff Clow will have something in mind and I will join him. He has a following that is amazing and his knowledge of where to go and what time to be there is the absolute best!