Last Fall in the Grand Tetons NP
Grand Tetons Large Canvas Prints
This set of pictures of the Northern Moulton barn in the Grand Teton NP, features the backlighting of this huge colorful Cottonwood tree that caught my eye as I wandered around this iconic location!
The omnipresent mountain landscape behind the tree intrigues everyone who is fortunate enough to visit this area. The scale of such a huge panorama is truly sensual overload when the light is just right! I live in a major city (Atlanta) and have become used to the noise of horns blowing and lawnmowers running, and all the ancillary noise associated with the big city life! The impact of the very obvious silence of the wind blowing in the trees and the simple gurgling of the stream flowing by was an amazing anesthetic for my soul. A wonderful peace flowed into me as I walked about.
Then as you look around at the relics of the primitive early times lifestyle you realize that even though life was indeed difficult it had the magnificence of Mother Nature to aid in daily life…